When it comes to education, practical exposure plays a key role in shaping a student’s learning curve. DDU houses full-fledged medical centres which not just ensures patient exposure but also lays emphasizes on community service. Our medical centers are state-of-the-art and offers professional treatment for the patients, at nominal rates.
Every year, thousands of patients benefit from our three medical centres:
Oral Cancer Centre
Oral cancer is the 6th most common cancer worldwide. It is also a major health issue in India, with Kheda region being a hub for tobacco production and consumption. Several patients coming to our OPD are afflicted with cancerous / precancerous lesions of oral cavity, associated with tobacco / similar products related habits. Hence, the need for early detection and quick treatment of patients, at very nominal cost.
In 2013, as part of Dr. H. M. Desai Platinum Jubilee year, the Faculty of Dental Science started the Oral Cancer Centre. About 196 cases of precancerous/cancerous lesions have been treated until now at the centre. This includes:
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Definitive surgical treatment for primary cancer, selection of appropriate local therapy and integration of surgery with other adjuvant modalities. |
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Surgery to excise bulk of disease |
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Surgical resection of metastatic lesion with curative intent |
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Surgery for treatment of oncologic emergencies |
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Surgery for reconstruction and rehabilitation |
Coming under the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Department, this is one of the first oral cancer treatment centre in Gujarat.
The centre was started to provide the best possible treatment and rehabilitation for a better quality of life. It boasts of world-class equipment and an experienced team of faculty doctors. The major facilities include
Major and Minor Operation Theatre
Intensive Care Unit
Emergency Drug Tray – OPD
Central Oxygen Pipeline
LED Operating Lights
Fibro-optic Laryngoscope
Monitoring Devices
Defibrillator with Cardiac Monitor
Anaesthesia Work Station with Ventilator
Minor and Major Surgery Kits
Fibre Optic Set and Light Source
Tracheostomy Sets
Central Sterilisation Area
Patient Transfer Aids
Formalin Chamber
OT Drugs and Emergency Drugs Centre
Fumigation Machine with Timer
Oscillating Saw
Biomedical Waste Disposal
Recovery Rooms
Patient Waiting Area
Doctor's Room
Nursing Station
Changing Rooms
Special AC / Non-AC Rooms
General Wards
Sophisticated Aids for patients
Wash Area
Scrub Area
When the patient comes to the Oral Care Centre, the case is registered and the clinical evaluation of patient is taken up. The vital stats of patients are checked before the surgery is recommended. The preparation for surgery is done based on the degree of cancerous / precancerous lesions of oral cavity. Well-experienced team of doctors perform the operation and the patient is kept under care afterwards.
The steps for rehabilitation follows and the patient's records are kept for future consultations. Follow-ups are recommended on case-to-case basis. Maximum cases are due to tobacco / similar products related habits and the patients are generally from very disadvantaged backgrounds. Hence, the treatment and rehabilitation at this ultra-modern facility is provided to these patients at a very nominal cost. A couple of cases treated are as shown:
Ca of Right buccal mucosa
Extra Oral Swelling Asymmetry
Defect After Removal of Tumor
Click to know more patient details |